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Dez 2016

Copyright Levies: Transposition of Austria’s Copyright Act Amendment 2015 completed

On 05, Dez 2016 | In Copyright Levies, News | By Alisa Maier

lupe-recht-gruenAlready one year ago, on October 1, 2015, Austria’s Copyright Act Amendment 2015 entered into force. The major amendment was the introduction of copyright levies on digital storage. Five month later, in March 2016, collecting societies and industry associations finally agreed on tariffs for storage media and devices newly in scope ranging from as little as EUR 0.35 for memory cards up to EUR 5.00 for computers. These tariffs are applicable retroactively from October 1, 2015.

However, there are claims for levies on these products for considerably longer retroactive periods. Therefore negotiations had to be continued for the period up to September 30, 2015. It took negotiating partners another 2 months to find an agreement for periods between 2012 and 2015. Although the rates are quite similar (there is no tariff for memory cards, digital picture frames and smart watches), they are applied retroactively for devices sold as of January 1, 2013, January 1, 2012 for mobile phones respectively.

Moreover, Austrian collecting society Austro-Mechana (AUME) has published a list of “compliant” companies. This so called whitelist is in line with paragraph 1.6 of the contract between collecting societies and industry. Contractors on this list have registered, reported and paid copyright levies in time.

For more information regarding the general agreement, the framework contract or the list of compliant companies, please contact us at


Nov 2016

WEEE in Africa: New Legislations and Waste Management Plans

On 28, Nov 2016 | In News, WEEE | By Alisa Maier

The correct collection and treatment of used EEE becomes an important topic in an increasing number of African countries:

Cameroon, Nigeria, Madagascar and this summer also Ghana, have already enacted WEEE legislations. However, official publication of the Ghanaian Hazardous and Electronic Waste Control and Management Bill, a precondition for its entry into force, is still pending. The Bill implements the Basel Convention and introduces the obligation for producers to register with the Environmental Protection Agency and to pay an eco-levy for EEE placed on the market.

In South Africa, only recently a Legal Notice to the Waste Act was published, informing the public about newly drafted rules requiring the electrical and electronic and the lighting industry to prepare and submit industry waste management plans. This draft also contains the obligations for responsible parties to register with competent authorities.

Four further African countries are currently developing management plans or legislation to cover the proper collection and treatment of WEEE: Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, and Tunisia.


Nov 2016

Proposal for New Energy Efficiency Labelling Directive: EU Parliament Adopted Amendments

On 22, Nov 2016 | In ErP, News | By Alisa Maier

The EU Parliament has adopted amendments to the proposal of the European Parliament and of the Council setting a framework for energy efficiency labelling and repealing Directive 2010/30/EU. Members of Parliament voted on the proposed rescaling of labels in order to ensure a homogeneous A to G scale, the introduction of a product database as well as stronger market surveillance.

Rescaling of labels
The Parliament agreed that the Commission shall introduce rescaled labels for existing product groups within five years after the entry into force of the Directive. According to the Parliament, any future rescale shall aim for a validity period of at least 10 years. In future, the criteria triggering  rescaling procedures  shall be:
•    25% of the products sold within the EU market fall into the top energy efficiency class A; or
•    50% of the products sold within the EU market fall into the top two energy efficiency classes A+B.

Product Database
The product database shall provide information on energy-related products covered by the Directive both for customers and market surveillance authorities: Customers will be able to access the database via a public interface, organised as a consumer-oriented website. An electronic platform with clearly specified accessibility and security requirements shall be accessible for national market surveillance authorities.

Market Surveillance
In order to strengthen market surveillance, national market surveillance authorities shall do physical product testing which covers at least one product group per year. By January 1, 2018, Member States will have to establish a national market surveillance plan.


Nov 2016

RoHS: Draft Technical Regulation Published in Eurasian Economic Union

On 16, Nov 2016 | In News, RoHS | By Alisa Maier

1cc_reagenzglaeser_kleinIn the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), the final draft Technical Regulation on the “Restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment” RoHS was published. The EEU is the former Customs Union (CU), an economic union of currently five countries of the former Soviet Union, among them e.g. Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

The forecasted date of entry into force of the EEU Technical Regulation on RoHS is March 1, 2018. The current draft TR on RoHS follows in two relevant parts the EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU: It stipulates substance restrictions for Lead (0,1 %), Mercury (0,1 %), Cadmium (0,01 %), Hexavalent Chromium (0,1 %), Polybrominated biphenyls, PBB (0,1 %) and Polybrominated diphenyl ethers PBDE; (0,1 %) and foresees the same thresholds. The four phthalates DEHP, BBP, DBP and DIBP, which are restricted in the EU beginning with July 22, 2019, are not regulated by this Draft TR.

However, there are significant differences regarding product scope, definitions, exemptions from substance restrictions and labelling requirements. In addition, before placing a product in scope on the EEU market, a specific conformity assessment has to be conducted and registration is required.

For more information, please contact us at


Nov 2016

Packaging: New Draft Law Published in Germany

On 11, Nov 2016 | In News | By Alisa Maier

shutterstock_fillchips_greenThe German Federal Ministry of Environment (BMUB) is currently working on a draft for a new Packaging Law, which will repeal the Packaging Ordinance. Besides some new definitions which are intended to clarify terms of the law and higher collection and recycling targets, the current draft foresees some major changes in how the system for packaging will be administered in future:

The draft contains the set-up of a central authority (similar to the function of stiftung ear, the German WEEE producer register). It will manage the newly demanded registration for packaging in Germany and will be in charge to administer a Declaration of Completeness.
Impact on producer obligations

With the numerous changes proposed, producers will have to face new requirements, such as registration in the public register for packaging with the new central authority and submission of an annual Declaration of Completeness – even producers who do not meet the current annual thresholds for such declaration will have this obligation in future. Furthermore, the pricing structure of recycling fees will change, as the draft foresees fees based on recyclability of packaging.

A final draft of the law is not expected before early 2017.

For more information, please contact us at


Okt 2016

Wir suchen einen Sales Professional (m/w)

On 17, Okt 2016 | In News | By Alisa Maier

– in Vollzeit ab sofort

Das Unternehmen
Die 1cc GmbH bietet ihren Kunden ein umfangreiches Beratungs- und Dienstleistungsangebot für Produkt-Compliance in allen Fragen der Abfall- und Umweltgesetzgebung (insbesondere Elektroaltgeräte, Batterien, Verpackungen, Chemikalien, Energieeffizienz/-kennzeichnung, Konfliktmineralien) sowie im Bereich der Urheberrechtsabgaben für elektronische Geräte. Die 1cc berät und unterstützt Hersteller und Vertreiber von Elektrogeräten in vielen Ländern weltweit. Dabei umfasst das Service-Portfolio v.a. drei Bereiche:
•    Regulatory Monitoring
•    Individuelle Beratung
•    Management/Admin Services

Ihre Aufgaben
•    Neukundenakquise
•    Support beim Ausbau von Bestandskunden
•    Angebotserstellung und Pflege unseres CRM-Tools
•    Vertretung der 1cc auf Messen und Veranstaltungen
•    Markt- und Wettbewerbsbeobachtung
•    Entwicklung von verkaufsfördernden Materialien
•    Koordination mit Dienstleistern

Ihre Qualifikation
•    Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium
•    2-3 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Marketing & Sales
•    Kompetenz im Projektmanagement
•    Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
•    Kommunikationsfähigkeit und Kundenorientierung
•    Zielorientierte und selbständige Arbeitsweise
•    Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

Wir bieten
•    Ein vielfältiges Aufgabenspektrum und internationale Kunden
•    Eine angenehme und professionelle Arbeitsatmosphäre in einem motivierten Team

Wenn Sie sich durch diese Stellenbeschreibung angesprochen fühlen und gerne fachübergreifend arbeiten, senden Sie Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen unter Angabe Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellung per E-Mail an Frau Johanna Terry (

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!


Okt 2016

1cc informiert beim 7. Fresenius-Anwenderforum „REACH für Praktiker“ in Mainz

On 05, Okt 2016 | In Veranstaltungen | By Alisa Maier

Das Fresenius-Anwenderforum „REACH für Praktiker“ findet am 17. und 18 November in Mainz statt. Es stellt ein wichtiges Anwender-Treffen für Stoffhersteller, nachgeschaltete Anwender und Importeure dar.

In diesem Rahmen wird 1cc-Beraterin Eva Hink zum Thema „The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for 21st Century Act: Update des Toxic Substances Control Act in den USA“ sprechen. Hierbei wird sie wird einen Überblick über die großen Änderungen, den Vergleich zu REACH, die Betroffenheit und Verpflichtungen für Unternehmen bieten sowie eine Übersicht über die nächsten Meilensteine geben.

Datum: Freitag, 18 November 2016
Zeit: 11:20 Uhr
Ort: Atrium Hotel Mainz
Sprecherin: Eva Hink, 1cc-Beraterin

Mehr Informationen und das Anmeldeformular finden Sie unter:


Sep 2016

Webinars related to REACH and Take-Back of Batteries

On 19, Sep 2016 | In Veranstaltungen | By Alisa Maier

1cc GmbH organizes two new webinars related to REACH and Take-Back of Batteries.

Both webinars will be offered in English. Please find below further information:

Title: REACH 2018 – How to Determine and Handle Your Registration Obligations Easily
Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2016 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM CEST
Speaker: Nadiia Kaiun, Consultant at 1cc
Sign up:

Title: Environmental Compliance for E-Bikes – Focus on Take-Back of Batteries
Date: Wed, Oct 12, 2016 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CEST
Speaker: Solveig Legler, Senior Strategy Manager at 1cc
Sign up:

PS: Participation in these 1cc webinars is free. However, the number of participants in each webinar will be limited to 20 attendees.

Looking forward to your participation!


Sep 2016

1cc präsentiert auf der ICBR 2016 in Antwerpen, Belgien

On 12, Sep 2016 | In Veranstaltungen | By Alisa Maier

Die ICBR stellt eine internationale Diskussionsplatform betreffend der neusten Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im Bereich Batterierecycling dar. Hier kommen viele Entscheidungsträger innerhalb der Batterierecycling-Kette, wie Batterie-Hersteller, Recycler, Rücknahme-Systeme, politische Entscheidungsträger, Transportunternehmer und andere zusammen. Der Kongress findet vom 14. – 16. September in Antwerpen, Belgien, statt.

1cc-Consultant Marc Pieper wird am Donnerstag, dem 15. September 2016 um 9:30 Uhr zum Thema “Removability requirements for batteries and the impact on product design” präsentieren.

Für weitere Informationen:


Sep 2016

1cc präsentiert auf der Electronics Goes Green 2016 in Berlin

On 05, Sep 2016 | In Veranstaltungen | By Alisa Maier

Die kommende Electronics Goes Green 2016 stellt für die wachsende globale Gemeinschaft von Wissenschaftlern, Produktentwicklern und Geschäftsführern, die auf dem Feld der Eigenschaften und Auswirkungen von Technologien und Produkten auf die Umwelt entlang der Wertschöpfungskette der Elektronik- und ICT-Branche arbeiten und forschen, eine herausragende Veranstaltung dar. Der Kongress findet vom 7. – 9. September 2016 im Seminaris Campus Hotel in Berlin statt.

1cc Senior Consultant Eva Hink wird am Freitag, dem 9. September um 8:30 Uhr die Präsentation “Challenges and Difficulties Deriving from Extension of Annex II of the RoHS Directive” halten.

Stefanie Enders, Juristin bei der 1cc GmbH, wird am selben Tag um 13:30 Uhr außerdem einen Vortrag zum Thema “WEEE Legislation in Africa – Status and Future Developments” halten.

Weiterhin wird sie im Rahmen der Poster-Sessions einen umfassenden Einblick in die Thematik geben. Die Zeiten sind:
7. Sept. 2016 15:30 – 16:30 Uhr
8. Sept. 2016 15:00 – 16:00 Uhr
9. Sept. 2016 12:30 – 13:30 Uhr

Wir freuen uns, Sie auf dem Kongress zu treffen!

Für weitere Informationen: