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News @en


Aug 2012

New tariff claims for USB-sticks and memory cards in Germany

On 16, Aug 2012 | In News @en | By KuL-Blog

In spring this year, the Central Agency for Private Copying Rights (ZPÜ) published new tariff claims for USB-sticks and memory cards. The tariffs should have come into force on 1 July 2012. However, the claims are even higher than the previously agreed tariffs. In the past, this kind of equipment has already been levied with amounts from 0.10 € (0.08 €, discounted tariff). The new claims of the collecting society are considerably high: between 0.90 € up to nearly 2.00 €. These amounts are not fixed right now and could still change, as negotiations with industry association have been announced. Manufacturers and distributors who may be affected by these claims, should request information and consulting from experts, because at the moment a reintroduction of these levies, including their retrospective payment, seems to be very likely.