Welcome to 1cc GmbH!
Welcome to 1cc GmbH, your specialist for compliance consulting in Holzgerlingen. Our dedicated team consists of experienced consultants with international expertise and many years of experience in the areas of environmental and product compliance, as well as copyright levies. Together, we support our clients in both complying with legal requirements and risk-free market access and in promoting sustainable and responsible business practices.
What makes the 1cc GmbH team so special?
Our international diversity, our cohesion and team spirit, our professional expertise, our flexibility, and our solidarity are decisive success factors that characterise us as a team and make us a reliable partner for your projects.
Our key success factors are:

Our global diversity enables us to draw on a wide range of experience and language skills to provide tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients in different countries.

Team spirit
Our team spirit is the key to our success. We work together as a team to achieve our customers’ goals.

Our flexibility enables us to respond quickly to changes in our customers’ requirements and needs. It means we are always one step ahead.

We have been working successfully with many of our customers and employees for years.

We have extensive expertise in the areas of environmental and product compliance, as well as copyright law.
Get to know the people behind our success and discover how we can help you achieve your compliance goals and meet your business challenges. Discover the expertise of our team for your business needs!

Sebastian Hotz

Philipp Bayha

Katrin Bender

Diana Berrer

Ute Binder

Liliane Buhociu

Akande Olusegun Buraimoh

Lisa Ewald

Nina Farcic

Julia Feuring

Petra Gabernowitz

Günther Häufele

Ghida Haidar

Fjollë Kabashi

Claudia Kolb

Simon Krizak

Wolfram Kühn

Ferhan Kurtoglu

Tatiana Kuts

Solveig Legler

Alisa Maier

Tatjana Möllmann

Lukas Portz

Gisa Scheschonka

Anna Schneider

Monika Šrubařová

Jeanie Suh

Victor Walz

Niurka Zuñiga de Lang
Discover your opportunities at 1cc

We are always on the lookout for creative minds – people who are characterized by enthusiasm and inventiveness.
Apply now!
We are always on the lookout for creative minds. Apply now!

Satisfied customers who are convinced by our services. Numerous national and international companies rely on our expertise. Numerous national and international companies rely on our expertise.
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