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Feb 2011

K&L at REACH- and CLP-Workshop in Berlin

On 25, Feb 2011 | In News @en | By KuL-Blog

K&L is a regular participant at the REACH workshops conducted by BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie) in Berlin. The recent event took place February 23. Topics on the agenda centered round industry’s difficulties in implementing the REACH regulation. The participants discussed legal consequences of ECHA’s changed guidelines. Currently, the guideline on how to handle substances in articles is undergoing a review and will result in new or modified obligations for industry. Manufacturers with so far no registration duty will be abruptly confronted with the obligation to register. The obligations for companies to notify substances in articles according to art. 7 (3) will discover difficulties in gathering all information required. For importers of an article with notification obligation of svhc (substance of very high concern) it will be hardly possible to have information available about e.g. optical activity or purity of the substance. K&L attends such workshops in order to gather detailed information about the industry’s requirements and opinion of the REACH and CLP regulation. We are close to our customers and their needs and customize our consulting services accordingly. For the upcoming workshops, K&L will participate with a presentation, sharing our knowledge and experience.