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News @en


May 2012

End of deadline for late pre-registration is approaching

On 04, May 2012 | In News @en | By KuL-Blog

Many companies that manufacture or import Phase-in substances that are manufactured or imported in the European Union in tonnages from 100 – 1000 tons per year have a registration deadline until June 1, 2013 if they had submitted a pre-registration until December 1, 2008. But also companies that started manufacture or import after that date may have the possibility for late-pre-registration and will be able to benefit from the extended registration deadline, too. A late pre-registration is possible if it is submitted latest 6 months after exceeding the 1 ton/a margin and at least 12 months before the end of the extended registration deadline mentioned in article 23 REACH regulation. For phase-in substances that are subject to the registration deadline June 1, 2013 that means that there are only 4 weeks left to go for late-pre-registration. Companies that have started manufacture or import of a phase-in substance recently or are planning to start should check if they still have the possibility for submitting the late-pre-registration to ECHA (European Chemicals Agency).