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News @en


Jan 2011

What happens to my dossier next?

On 31, Jan 2011 | In News @en | By KuL-Blog

Approximately 25.000 dossiers for 4.300 substances have been submitted to ECHA until December 1, 2010. What is the next step to follow? The next step for ECHA will be the evaluation on the quality of the dossiers. ECHA will evaluate at least five percent of the dossiers and will also focus on dossiers that e.g. •    have different classification or study summaries in joint submissions •    do not meet the requirements of Annex VII •    contain waiving statements or are based on other substances data       like e.g. “read across” •    contain testing proposals for Annex VII or VIII •    are for a substance that is difficult to test based on its chemical       and physical properties •    are in a bad quality, discovered e.g. in the testing proposals. Discovering missing information, wrong or insufficient declarations, ECHA will inform the registrant(s) and will set an appropriate time-limit for submitting the required information. However, registrants will also be granted a period of 30 days to interact with ECHA by commenting on ECHA’s decision or the decision of the Member State Committee. Most deficiencies discovered by ECHA are based on non-specified substance identity, inadequate justified applications for QSAR, read across or grouping, incomplete exposure scenarios or inadequate justification for discrepancies of the information within annex VII to XI.