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Jul 2013

Welcome Croatia

On 01, Jul 2013 | In News @en | By KuL-Blog

After the accession treaty has been signed on 9 December 2011,  today, 1 July, Croatia has become the 28th member state of the European Union. We would like to welcome this new member state: Dobrodošli! The accession to the EU means in particular, that European legislation will now apply in Croatia. EU regulations apply directly on the date of accession.  However, for single requirements affecting Croation based enterprises, transition periods have already been foreseen in the accession treaty. EU directives regulating e.g. the single market concept will have to be transposed by Croatia now. The single market that offers free movement of goods in the EU and is regulated by CE directives will then be extended to Croatia as well. Further directives as e.g. on Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE, 2002/96/EC) or on Copyright levies (2001/29/EC) will result in national schemes, processes and collecting societies based on the requirements of the EU directives.