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Mar 2019

Poland: New BDO Register Requires Re-Registration

On 20, Mar 2019 | In News @en, WEEE | By Alisa Maier

In Poland, the new central register for electro- and electric equipment, batteries and packaging, called BDO, was set up a year ago. This new database on products, packaging and waste management replaces the former register administered by the authority Główny Inspectorate Ochrony Środowiska (GIOŚ).

All producers of WEEE, batteries and packaging are required to re-register for entry in the BDO Register through the responsible local authorities. The latter are in turn responsible for entering and updating information about the registered manufacturers in the BDO Register. Following successful re-registration, producers are expected to receive individual registration numbers, the so-called BDO registration numbers.

Considering the BDO database is a public register, information on companies’ registrations is available online

Polish authorities are expected to start imposing penalties on failure to comply with the re-registration requirement, soon. Accordingly, urgent action is highly recommended. 1cc remains at your disposal for queries you may have on this matter. Our fulfilment team would be glad to help you register for WEEE, batteries and packaging, thereby ensuring you meet your producer obligations in Poland. Please contact us at