On 24, Nov 2011 | In News @en | By KuL-Blog
Today, November 24, 2011, the German transposition of the Eco-Design-Directive (2009/125/EC), the “Energieverbrauchsrelevante-Produkte-Gesetz”, (EVPG, energy–related product law) has been published in the German Federal Law Gazette and will come into force tomorrow on November 25, 2011. It will replace the current “Energiebetriebene-Produkte Gesetz”, (EBPG, energy using products act) which was the German transposition of the EuP–Directive 2005/32/EC.
Important changes on the legislation will be:
• An extended scope to all energy-related products
• In the future, the law will comprehend also products whose usage
aaahas an impact on energy consumption like windows, insulation
aaamaterials etc.
• Market surveillance will take place on the entire supply chain, from
aaathe manufacturer to the retailer according to regulation
• In addition to manufacturers, also importers and resellers have to
aaaensure that the products they place on the market are compliant
aaato the legislation.