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News @en


Sep 2011

….and there fell a deep silence

On 12, Sep 2011 | In News @en | By KuL-Blog

After passing the first REACH registration deadline on December 1, 2010 and after having submitted the CLP notification to ECHA, REACH activities seem to be fallen asleep like sleeping beauty. No significant news from ECHA, no action or movement in groups and forums, same lectures come up again and again, lab-workers playing pickup-sticks with test tubes? Yes, but this is the quiet before the storm! Although companies experiencing the efforts of REACH registration in 2010 call for an early starting of the registration activities for 2013, there does not seem to be a lot of action yet. ECHA expects the registration of approximately 3500 substances submitted in 25000 dossiers by mainly small and medium sized companies. Many of those companies do not benefit from experience from the first registration deadline, do not have all relevant studies, do not have the expertise knowledge and the human resources. But they do have a lot of different specialty chemicals they have to register until the deadline on June 1, 2013. What may happen? Laboratories, consultants and service providers run out of capacity. In addition to the 2013 testing, laboratories will conduct the approved testing proposals from Annex IX and X submitted in 2010. Difficulties, unforeseen incidents and external influences may delay your registration process. Start your registration process on time and do not risk of falling victim to article 5 REACH: NO DATA NO MARKET!