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May 2016

Proposal for New Energy Efficiency Labelling Directive: Opinion of rapporteur Aldo Patriciello published

On 11, May 2016 | In News @en | By Alisa Maier

The EU Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) has sent its opinion on the proposal for the new Energy Efficiency Labelling Directive to the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). ITRE is the responsible committee in the EU Parliament. The report, which has been prepared by rapporteur Aldo Patriciello, includes three major proposals for changes.

First of all, the ENVI Committee suggests that instead of fully emptying the top two product classes A and B, there should be a percentage limit that automatically triggers a rescaling review when more than 25% of the products sold to the EU market fall into class A, respectively 45% fall into classes A and B.

Besides, ENVI Committee does not agree with a periodic 10 year review cycle of the energy efficiency classes, but prefers a review upon product specific needs. Finally, the Committee proposes a few changes to clarify the use of electronic labels instead of labels affixed to the product.

The ITRE Committee is now called upon to consider this opinion and include the proposals into its position towards the Commission proposal. Overall, Members of Parliament have already filed over 500 amendments to the Commission proposal.

The ENVI opinion is available here: