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On 01, Jun 2021 | In | By Alisa Maier


Database for Information on Substances of Concern in Products

SCIP is a database established by the EU under the Waste Framework Directive, 2008/98/EC. Its targets are to make recycling of products safer and improve information on dangerous chemical content. SCIP notification applies to any EU supplier of an article as such or in a complex object if it contains Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) above 0.1% w/w, irrespective of the position in the supply chain. SVHCs are reported in the Candidate list by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). “Candidate” refers to its future being potentially subject to authorization. This list is updated twice a year, leading to potential impacts on your SCIP obligation.

With regard to the SCIP obligations we offer services for

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  • Identification of a company’s distribution model and identification of roles and responsibilities of legal entities
  • Support on SCIP registration of legal entities and users
  • Evaluation of product scope with regards to SCIP
  • Expertise and support in identifying articles including SVHC calculation, with a special focus on borderline cases
  • Identification and selection of exemplary products for initial creating and upload of dossiers into SCIP database
  • Guideline and explanation of the grouping options
  • Consultancy on demand

Are you prepared to fulfil your obligations as a manufacturer or first distributor?

Contact us
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