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Apr 2017

EU Energy Label: A to G scale to be introduced

On 21, Apr 2017 | In News @en | By Alisa Maier

The European Parliament and the Council agreed recently on a revised energy label within the EU Energy Labelling Directive 2010/30/EU. The current A+++ to G labels for energy-related products will be replaced by a scale from A to G.

With the revised label, consumer shall be able to make their purchase decision easier as the distinction between the different classes is clearer to perceive. Products showing the revised label are expected to be available in shops at the earliest at the end of 2019.

Any future rescaling should be triggered when 30% of products sold on the EU market fall into the top energy efficiency class A, or when 50% of these products fall into the top two energy efficiency classes A and B.

Furthermore, the revised Energy Labelling Directive will introduce a product registration database to support market surveillance activities by the Member States. The database will provide a public area containing all energy efficiency labels, which allows consumers to compare the energy efficiency performance of products.

The revision of the Energy Labelling Directive 2010/30/EU has to be formally adopted by the European Parliament and the Council, and will then be officially published in the EU Official Journal.