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News @en


Apr 2016

CE marking – transposition of EU-directives following the „New Approach“

On 20, Apr 2016 | In News @en | By Alisa Maier

In the context of the “new approach” of the European Single market, the EU Commission has recasted several CE directives. It’s the aim to harmonize the obligations for economic operators and the structure of the directives.

The new approach as an example, has different obligations for manufacturers, importers and distributors of relevant products, requires a risk analysis, harmonizes labelling obligations and specifies the necessary action in case of determination of suspicion of non-compliance.

From April 20th, assuming that EU member states have transposed the directives in time, the obligations of the new CE directives come into force, e.g. on electromagnetic compatibility (2014/30/EU) or low voltage (2014/35/EU). Already in 2011, the directive 2011/65/EU on restriction of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) was published, ruling stricter obligations on labelling and language-requirements in the context of the new Approach.

It’s always the national transposition that is the applicable law for economic operators. Enterprises have to proof which directives, respectively their national transpositions are relevant for their products and what obligations they have to comply with.  Not till then, the EU-declaration of conformity can be issued and the CE marking affixed.

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