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Individual Consulting: REACH

Consulting and services for analysis of legal obligations

Not just the chemical industry is affected by the REACH Regulation. So-called downstream users of substances or producers of products that are applied in virtually every industry are also subject to obligations pertaining to REACH. In addition, the CLP Regulation requires producers and importers to classify and label substances and mixtures.

1cc supports businesses in the analysis of their REACH and CLP obligations  – be it for substances and mixtures as such or entire products with consulting and the respective services.


  • Our Impact Assessment identifies your company’s legal obligations in a given country or region, and provides clear guidance on practical compliance with responsibilities. Specifically, we evaluate whether and how your company is affected by obligations under the respective chemical regulations. Via a Gap Analysis we will be able to identify potential gaps in your already existing compliance efforts.
  • We offer customized workshops in order to train your staff on relevant chemical compliance issues. The training will include the respective know-how on chemicals regulations and compliance obligations. Together with the responsible employees for compliance, 1cc will develop a compliance strategy and evaluate the specific steps to implement the necessary measures in your company.
  • In order to comply with all chemical obligations, producers, importers and resellers have to rely on information of their suppliers and further partners. The complexity of the information does not allow a review in all details. However, the supplied facts and figures have to be checked with respect to completeness and consistency. This is done by 1cc based on a Plausibility Check, especially for the following topics:

    • Safety Data Sheets
    • Information about candidate substances according to Art. 33 REACH Regulation
    • Substance restrictions
    • Information with respect to procuct safety